2017 (post season 2)

2017 season 3Is this a Percocet? Taser. This’ll be brief…

Just returned from an incred mini-residency / relax at “Pressure Club” (the terrific, stacked up Philadelphia HQ of Goatmother Industrial + Ms. Lauren)… after hitting a lovely marina scene in MD. Learnt some stuff! Lil’ evidence below:

weave dreamer 1

Weave Dreamer – Dry Point + Silkscreen on Paper. Edition of 10

Rethought my ongoing “Shadow Instinct” project as Cyanotype Prints. Gotta a small batch of them done (w/ exit assist by the hosts becuz, no sun).

shadow instinct 3

Shadow Instinct #3 – Cyanotype Print

Up on here properly once I nail the packaging for the sets!

Then set off to the homeland, where Bengela and I applied the laying on of hands to help install this rad Crab Jackson action.


Mr. Jackson’s website, archival prints, and more single edition artbooks coming soon!

Back at studio table-blue, after a final blast off with some true besties. Gearing up, follow-ups + getting weird via collab works w/ the folks: Goatmother, Rob Hessler, Mr. Brennan, E. Morgan, Crab…

Justin Clifford Rhody’s “A Horse With A Name” very forthcoming from Rebel Hands Press + bound work by Aaron Beasley, and audio material by Teasips. Almost about that time.

Trying to tidily update the site, store, etc. WIP (done with that hashtag the moment I saw it). But yah, some freshness above.

To all the best hosts I know. So chain link! (Just picked that up… it means taser factory)… or is it chain-length? hmm. I’ll ask.

2016 (season 3.5)

2016 mid-summer knights.pngSummer arrived with a ding. bleh, trying to file all the work, studies, ideas, and general whatev’s away in their proper places here at table blue has become a royal pain. How dare these seasons.
And-uhhh yeh, some updates herein, the usual zones… new work!!
…and more new work, in the works, all the times! Building now to thunder down in the future days…
Like the charming, yet bizarre food book collab w/ Goatmother Industrial...
backside heelflip to grind 2_sm
(sneak peek)
Which will tastefully premiere in October at this year’s Open Press event here in los angeles, along at least one more new knotch in the Rebel Hands Press belt… details forthcoming.
Amidst all the lackluster ______ this year has coughed up since awakening, we found “brexit”, which crashed straight to the bottom of the incredible portmanteau list frequently groomed and manicured by ms. E. Morgan and i.
Aside from portmanteaus, we also dabble in creating clever and humorous terms formed from disentangled sets of lettering found in the streets and alleys of our respective cities. Bound as a series titled Street Terms, volume II is currently rising to a slow boil…
SOOOOOOOO many ridiculously rad collabs going in/out the door here! very taser workings with J. Brennan, Crab Jackson (with homespun titles such as “legst” and “bagst”), burgeoning action between Rob Hessler and i, connecting existential dots w/ ms. E.K.D., pyschogeographing from heart emoji to heart emoji w/ j. shelley harrison all the whilst her + i plan an exciting ?mystery? show with LA’s own ms. Chelsea…some(thing) to do w/ hotels… and their rooms.
most of which will bubble and explode in the coming months!
In the meantime, check into some any seasonal vibes by Yosuke Kitazawa + i…
Fresh now on cassette from friends and relatives records, 29 minutes of how we guessed you’d like it! doing it live in a city near you (in the global sense) sooner than later…
report: everything is for sale.

2014 (Season 1)

t-bseason 1 2014 webAwlright! 2014….So far plagued by vertigo, a broken foot, and reoccurring dreams of a fictional type of big cat (kinda like a mix between a mountain lion and an ocelot, which come in small, medium, and big) called “pahcos”…more on that later.

So far so weird, but things are pretty taser factory. Work is still going strong (like a pahcos), as seen in this belated new year update session!

Yes yes, updates updates, in many sectors on the site. check it check it.
Plus (+), for all the tumblr users out thar, we on it with the brand new http://table-blue.tumblr.com/

Aside from all that, coordinating currently with pals in the icy eastern parts for some exhibition styles in the upcoming warmer months. starting in the midwest, and then…onward.

In other newz- rebel hands press is still keeping it active, more active soon. Audio recordings, nose bleeds, burgeoning west coast action, and now accepting bitcoin.
Here ends this season’s poorly structured sentences, but srsly, still sold on 2014.

2013 (season 4 …kinda)

Happy post-Thanksgiving / #Thanksgivukkah / Jinglehorse / Drinksgiving / Whatever you do (did) / etc.
t-bseasonwinterjpgGearing up for our first quarter IPO with a preemptive, seasonal drone strike of updates including, but not limited to, new funny paintings, photos, books, and stuff. Sounds kinda same-y as previous post, but ‘NEW’ is always a keyword here… like the THE TAO OF JON, or that painting about the dude who smokes weed every morning in the parking lot of Walgreen, the ongoing American Shredding series, and so on. because, new.

This year has turned out so many taser factory things, but it’s not over yet. More action forthcoming… Not to mention some high and tidy collab plans in the USA and beyond…
Like Rebel Hands Press getting ill with some fax machines, some shows, a glamour-magazine-husband-hunting project, some sounds, some ???, and so much.

And though the Penny-Pacer blog came to an appropriately disappointing end, in the in-betweens, follow along w/ J. Shelley Harrison and I via our absurdist photo conversations at Still Lunch.

“You know how baller that is to say you got two washer and dryers?!” – Tyler The Creator.
…Someday, I hope.