2019 (Season 1)

2018 season doneLast year certainly whirled my wind. A ton of totally taser times. Some of the sprinkles whispered from table-blue…

Familiar Laundry

November 23, 2018-January 18, 2019

General Projects / Los Angeles46796543_10155508762171511_9022706577760583680_oMy first solo gallery show in Los Angeles. Terrific opening, followed by [We brought our coffee], an evening of plays by Ms. Chelsea Rector and I, and closed it out with a session of Philosophy Coaching presented by Andrew Choate and me, myself.

Throughout the duration, we’ve had a grand time tossin’ some King Tackle (customized kubb) on a pitch set up in the adjacent, and very appropriately named, Outside Gallery. 46648905_10155514343256511_1359707889098293248_nMy favorite non-athletic game, thanks to one Mark Rice. After years, I finally built my own set (a little retouching needed), but Goatmother Industrial is the go to. Grab your own batons there, and Spray the Hooray! Though the show is no longer viewable on the walls, and clotheslines, and hooks, and pedestal, and floor, prints and original works from the core collection are still very fucking available in limited edition at: https://www.insertblancpress.net/collections/prints

Speaking of online purchasing power, rad pals at Pressure Club in Philly now have an online store set up where folks can find the weave dreaming I had the op to collaboratively pull there awhile back, plus other really terrific work from the printshop.weave dreamer 1

Play things… Ms. Chelsea Rector and I (DBA: P/Sicho Street Theatre Company) will be rolling out our newest experimental production “Frosted”, roughly based on the hit Disney film “Frozen“, a lil’ later this year. In the meantime, here’s video footage of our play “Shopping Problems” from 8.25.2018, shot by Mathew Timmons, featuring Andrew Choate, Jen Bruce, Rebecca Ramirez, Jacob and Joshua, with musical arrangement by Ang Wilson.

On the image making front moving forward, I’m getting back to it. Work with Crab Jackson on some mail box collab’s, plus forward movement style on a tased series with Rob Hessler. Continued, and we’ll tell you and all your idiot friends all about it!

Also! Do miss Skymall as much as Mark Rice and do?! Seriously doubt it, but that’s not going to stop us from saving Earth’s lower atmosphere from the unjustified drought of that particular blacked-out, pressurized cabin, dream machine. Hold your breath.

Speaking of droughts, Rebel Hand Press will see some action this year! Yes! Some fucking incredible projects on deck, and hopefully some $$$ to get them in print! Too much terrific material came through the studio door later last year. More on it soon, but it’ll be damn on… in the meantime, check out the current material. Yahweh knows we aren’t doing any fucking book fairs any time soon.

Sounds. There will also be more sounds.

Is the sun past the yard arm? If so, please tell me what that means.

*BTW’s, my birthday is over, but still need a Roomba… and a new job. Thx!

2017 (Season: Final)

t-b market crash 2017Wow. So much taser action from (or related to) la table de studio bleu these past months, I’m just gonna have to break down…

Rebel Hands Press: The West Coast office has been way activized by way of these 2 new limited edition releases:

rhp profile

“NOTE TO SEA” – a book where the words of Salt Lake City based writer Aaron Beasley + imagery ala Jeremy Kennedy (me) find a common alee. Core components. Beautiful take on it from the ever damn on eyes of The Unwrinkled Ear hisself.

“A Horse With A Name” – 68 pages of experimental poetic formation by Justin Clifford Rhody. A terrifically timed and much desired extension to his conceptually brilliant photographic series “Only Chance Is Fair”.


Still slinging copies of recent titles such as “Street Terms: Vol. 2” w/ Elaina Morgan, “Lil’ Help? …” w/ Mark Rice, and “ARThritIS FLOCKING” kits by J. Shelley Harrison. All in house!

FMSMPRC: When we put something together, it’s gotta be a gem! Exhibit A: Soft Goals by: teasips. Audio art care, words of the age (THX: Ms. Chelsea), artful all around. Full about it in the release edition below, but we’re still rolling limited tape, with a live party in the works (w/ a “Z”).softgoalscassette4_sm

Collabs: Continuing work w/ Rob Hessler and Mr. Brennan. Looking Sharp! Also, the T-B shop is currently hosting some works by hermit artist bestie, Crab Jackson Like these super limited edition card sets + some pen-pal original art book meanderings. Check, check.

Studio Table-Blue (Home Office): Aside from aspiring to Bob Bert hair status in the spare moments, as evidenced above, we keep rolling out work. Currently feeling the effects of a performance bug. Short, snappy pieces, improvised in designed monotony with emotional flare. Awkward hugs to Ms. Jade Quinn for partnering up for the most recent at Collective Arts Incubator!

no thank you _2

New visual work up on here, and dialing in the storefront with new original pieces and archival prints for the: “Unemployed For The Holidays” sale event, happening now!… See something, don’t see something… just shout.

Everyday, Every time, Happy days in the life. May chewbacca be with you.

2014 (Season 2)

t-bseason 2 2014 webLet’s Get Vernal!

Springtime = Bringtime…like, Table-Blue style, with the bringing of the usual array of updates around the site, so peruse away. I mean, if you want.

A-Side: from that, looking forward to returning to the middle section for some upcoming collab action w/ Ms. Elaina Morgan and Siosi Build+Design, panning for some gold times in the Bay-Bay area with the always taser Justin Clifford Rhody, and fingers x-ed for some well-spent time in points back east…

B-Side(s): that, PRINTS are now available of select original works! This is way new, so if you see something, say something (that means inquire if interested). Also, Table-Blue recently branched over to the tumblr set (tis here, still needs some love), and yes, future Rebel Hands Press matter is working its way to the surface, but at the moment, we’re busy thinking about trees…
Hope you are too. Trees. Grab it hard and do it right.

Transformative Post-Experience Introspective Exploration is possible…when it’s Table-Blue Brand.